domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Tim Holtz 12 tags 2016 - Octubre / October

Hola a todos: 
Hello Everybody:

Como están, corriendo pero lo logre ^_^; logre terminar la tag para el reto de las 12 tags de 2016 de Tim Holtz para el mes de Octubre.
How are you? running but I succeeded ^ _ ^; I managed to finish the October Tag of the challange12 tags of 2016 by Tim Holtz.

Decidí hacer estas entradas un poco más fácil de seguir, para no llenarlas de fotos y muchas palabras. Voy a explicar en detalle las técnicas en los vídeos y por aquí les pondré lo básico para no aburrirlas mucho. Espero que les guste el cambio, cualquier comentario soy toda oídos(^-^). 
I decided to make these entries a little easier to follow, not to fill them with a lot of photos and many words. I will explain in detail the techniques in the videos and put here the basics not to bore you to much. I hope you like the change, and any comments I'm all ears (^ - ^).

Las técnicas para esta tag fueron dos, la primera es usar un collague de papeles con motivos de Halloween y sobre la superficie usar el Collage multimedium Crazing, que da un efecto craquelador en la superficie de los papeles. Luego la usando los crayones de Tim Holtz negro y blanco, pintar un poco las grietas para darle un efecto tenebroso .... jajajaja .....
(@_@). Aquí les dejo un acercamiento del efecto.

He used two techniques for this tag, the first is to used Halloween ephemra to create a collague and used Collage Multimedium Crazing, giving it a crackle effect on the surface of the papers. Then using Tim Holtz distress crayons, black and white, paint some of the cracks to give it a spooky effect .... hahaha ..... (@ _ @). Here is a close-up of the effect.

La segunda técnica es usar cinta foil sobre una cartulina, pasarla por un folder de embosing, si tuvieran uno que parezca industrial mucho mejor, de este papel se corta una figura que hará de nuestro hombre de hojalata, en el tag Tim Holtz uso las mascaras de monstruos de Sizzix, la idea es que se vea de metal y monstruoso .... jijiji...En mi caso no tenia las mascaras así que use uno de los Crazy Birds, un poco de acrílico negro para darle un tono industrial más viejo y listo la tag. Aquí otro acercamiento.
The second technique is to used foil tape on a white cardstock and them used an embossing folder to give it texture, if you had one that looks industrial much better, from this paper we are gonna trim a figure that will make our metal man, in the original tag Tim Holtz used moster masks from Sizzix, the idea is to see some metal and looks monstrous .... hehehe ... in my case I did not have the masks so I used one of the Crazy Birds, a little black acrylic to give it an old industrial tone and the tag is ready. Here another approach.

Aquí les estoy dejando el vídeo con las instrucciones paso a paso, espero que les guste y me den un like #^.^#.
Here I am leaving them the video with step by step instructions, I'm sorry is only in spanish, but if you want it, I can translate it, let me know. I hope you like it and give me a like #^.^#.

Gracias nos estamos viendo prontito.
Thanks see you soon

8 comentarios:

  1. Love your gorgeous collage background and that crazy bird indeed made me smile!! Congrats on your win on Tim's blog!!! -- Mary Elizabeth

    1. Thank You Mary, it was a fun tag to make. I still can be believe I won....#^.^#

  2. Congrats on your Tim Holtz win! I love the bird with the purple hat.

    1. Merci, thank you very much for your words, I also love the purple hat, I thought it will be a good effect.

  3. What a great tag! Love the skull hand and the purple hat is adorable! Congrats on your win!

    1. Thank you Cathy, the skull hand found it in a jewelry store months ago, and I was think hmm maybe I can use it for some Halloween projects .... nobody was think that except me .. lol ...(^o^) ... we see things diferently ... love that you enjoy the tag.

  4. Wonderful Background, Adorable tag. Love the color on the witches hat!!! Congrats on you win!
